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What Is Sandblasting Used For

Sandblasting is a prevalent technique used for cleaning various home and building surfaces effectively. It is popular, especially among homeowners and artisans who frequently utilize this method for multiple reasons. And while it is famous for cleaning and preparation purposes, it provides more functions than most people know.

What Is Sandblasting?

Sandblasting– also referred to as abrasive blasting– entails utilizing high-pressure spray to clean an exterior deeply. Sandblasting contractors most often employ silica, glass beads, steel sands, walnut shells, and soda as blasting media. The term got familiar because, before industries found better grits, sand was the most common tool in the earlier days.

Since sand is naturally rough and abrasive, it can effectively strip surfaces off rust, old paints, and other impurities. In a basic sense, sandblasting works like sandpaper, except it “blasts” sand rather than rub it.

spray painted graffiti after sandblastingWhat Is Sandblasting Used For?


Sandblasting offers more applications- though used primarily for cleaning different kinds of surfaces- suitable in various fields. A few popular among those uses are:

  • Effectively Stripping Paint and Rust off Different Surfaces

This one is the most widespread application of abrasive blasting- whatever medium it may be. And because rust and old paints are quite stubborn, standard cleaning methods like wiping and brushing are not enough. Scraping these materials off with knives or spatulas may be too arduous of a task for many people.

Sandblasting provides a fast and effortless way of cleaning unwanted dirt from different exteriors such as concrete, metals, and bricks. And while sandblasters are powerful enough to remove rust, they are also manageable enough to avoid metal surface damage.

  • Smoothing out Rough Surfaces and Smaller Components

Sandblasting results in smooth edges and a shiny finish for metal exteriors. It also eliminates tags, burrs, and other excesses that can hinder the assembly of mechanical parts. Sandblasting can also help in shaping up some surfaces to whatever intended form.

Sandblasters are not only useful in large walls and metal sheets, but they also clean smaller equipment and instruments. These tinier pieces include various clogged machine parts and rusty household tools like wrenches and screwdrivers. This technique serves to prevent further damage to mechanical components and maintain the quality of metal tools.

  • Cleaning Dirty and Unmaintained Concrete Easily

Walls and pavements are some of the most neglected areas, not just in houses but in most buildings and properties. Because of this, dirt, grime, and pollutants usually stick to surfaces and become challenging to remove. It renders wiping, scrubbing, and other standard cleaning methods useless, specifically when the filth has stuck.

Highly-powered abrasive blasting should be able to solve these stubborn problems quickly and effortlessly. Sandblasters can cover a large area of concrete walls and pavements without sacrificing the quality of work. The method results in an effective clean without using even a tiny amount of water.

  • Preparing Surfaces for Coating and Painting

Painters often used sandblasting to prepare surfaces for painting activities. Abrasive blasting before coating ensures that the concrete or metal exterior is as clean and smooth as possible. This practice prevents bumps and spots that can render the paint job less satisfactory than intended.

Aside from metal and concrete exteriors, abrasive blasters can also prepare wood for a coating. However, this procedure will need to use milder media like glass beads to avoid damaging such delicate surfaces.

  • Restoring the Natural Looks of Bricks

Bricks and stones, in their original looks, possess a natural rustic appeal to them. While painting over the surface may be an excellent solution to a worsening appearance, restoring is still the best option.

Sandblasting is an excellent way of bringing back the original façade of brick and stone walls with ease. It achieves this by removing all of the dirt, cement, and paints accumulated over the years. Plus, it cleans the surface deeply- delivering two benefits in a single simple procedure.

  • Creating Impressive Sculptures or Artworks

While people used sandblasting mainly for cleaning and smoothing surfaces, artisans surprisingly found it suitable for another purpose- sculpting. The technique makes excellent use of various media to carve images on wood, glass, concrete, and others. In sandblasting for artwork, it is vital to use more solid media to engrave on your preferred material more efficiently.

Abrasive blasting is also great for engraving inscriptions and drawings on surfaces, much like laser engraving. Nowadays, enthusiasts consider sandblasting artworks as a contemporary art form, rapidly becoming more popular globally.


Various Surfaces That Utilize Sandblasting

While they may be the most common, metal and concrete are not the only surfaces that use sandblasting effectively. Nowadays, abrasive blasting covers more materials, thanks to the growing number of media available for use. Here are some of the surfaces that can benefit from appropriate sandblasting:

  • Steel and Cast Iron

The coating on cast iron and steel surfaces is bound to crack and wear off over time. To avoid this problem, surface preparation and industrial painting companies employ the sandblasting procedure. It makes a huge difference in maintaining the proper preservation of metal components and equipment.

  • Concrete and Bricks

Several concrete surfaces and products use sandblasting in varied ways and for different reasons. For instance, the method is valuable in removing dirt, paint, or graffiti to clean and restore walls or roads. Abrasive blasting can practically and successfully revive concrete surfaces to their initial quality with relative ease.

Sandblasting is also an effective method to prepare concrete surfaces for initial coating or repainting jobs. The smoother finish that it delivers results in a better painting finish.

  • Wood

The coating on wooden surfaces often strips off over time, much like cast iron. An excellent solution for someone who has aged furnishings and would like restoration work is to use wood sandblasting. The furniture comes back to its former condition and color- its appearance before varnishing- after a good blasting.

Nowadays, wood blasting is an excellent cleaning method for wooden surfaces in homes and buildings. Sandblasting also provides a comprehensive finishing to wooden surfaces, thereby helping to maintain their appearance.

Log Cabin Restoration Sandblasting

  • Glass

Glass manufacturers utilize sandblasting in glasses to create a frosted effect- either for decorative or practical purposes. Artisans decorate products like drinking glasses and bottles with design works with sandblasters. Meanwhile, windows, doors, and dividers employ abrasive blasting to produce frosted glass to provide privacy.


Sandblasting Is Also Widely Used in Numerous Industries

Though people generally used sandblasting to clean exteriors from paint, rust, and other unwanted material, it serves more functions. Several industries rely on abrasive blasting in most daily operations, not just surface clean-up and preparation.

  • Automotive Industry

As mentioned earlier, sandblasting is a very effective method of smoothing steel surfaces like a car’s body. It guarantees easy removal of paint and rust to ready the car for a repainting job. But the process requires a careful and methodical application to avoid wearing or damaging the steel.

Mechanics would also sandblast various parts of a car, not just its body, to eliminate oil and other dirt. Several types of grits are available for cleaning smaller components efficiently.

  • Maritime Industry

Abrasive blasting is a massive aid in maintaining marine vessels that are regularly in seawater. The abundance of salt in seawater enables rapid rust build-up in hulls, leading to the ships’ deterioration. Sandblasting readies the steel surface for the coating procedure, which protects it from corrosion.

  • Property Maintenance

Graffitis can either make your property look artistic or produce a dirty look. Either way, vandalism delivers a negative connotation and can tank your asset’s market value. Because of it, many property owners hire professional cleaning services to erase these undesirable scribbles effectively.

Most commercial cleaning services rely on abrasive blasting to clean graffiti and other paints on concrete and brick walls. It can also remove oil from streets and walkways to prevent accidents from happening.

  • Metallurgical Industries

Steel fabrication industries employ abrasive blasting to ensure precise measurements on various custom metal works. This process grinds bumps on the surface that can make it harder to attach several pieces. Sandblasting can also remove oil and rust from steel parts faster than manual cleaning- just like in automotive components.

What Is Sandblasting Used For

  • Medical Field

Unsurprisingly, sandblasting is the method of choice when it comes to cleaning sophisticated medical devices and tools. Micro-abrasive blasting is the specific term for the process and employs a small but highly precise nozzle. The apparatus’s tight focus can blast every minute areas that may be too challenging for standard methods to clean.

Micro-abrasive blasting also removes imperfections on instruments effectively to ensure that they meet the industry’s high standards. This kind of sandblasting is also fully used in texturing implantable devices like pacemakers, angioplasty balloons, vascular stents, and others.

The Sandblasting Process

While it is best to hire sandblasting companies for this kind of project, you may try to accomplish it yourself. Here is a simple guide on abrasive blasting should you decide to undertake such endeavors.

  • Choose the Best Medium for the Project

In the sandblasting process, the initial step is choosing the type of medium and instruments required to perform the job. Assess the necessary extent of work, the kind of blasting media needed, and what resources you must utilize. Identify various grits for sandblasting– for surfaces that are more challenging to deal with, more rigid materials will have to be used.

  • Ready and Clear the Work Area

To prevent any unwanted clutter, ready the area around the workplace. Put duct tape over places that are not part of the sandblasting job. Also, to prevent damage, make sure that any sensitive substances are away from the immediate work site. For problem areas, use adequate protection like covers.

Tidying the surface, you will operate on is also essential to guarantee that no dirt leads to a rough texture. Wipe the material’s exterior clean. Maintain that there is all the right protective clothing necessary.

Ensure that the site has proper ventilation to allow you to breathe more comfortably, even with safety masks. If not sufficiently ventilated, enclosed areas can also become filled with dust.

  • Wear Protective Gear for Caution

You must wear protective equipment before undergoing your sandblasting job. Protection gear for sandblasting includes masks, gloves, and overalls. In case of the absence of a coverall, you can wear a long-sleeved shirt. Check to ensure the body is covered entirely.

  • Start When Everything Is Ready

After preparing all the instruments necessary and organizing the work area, you may now start the job. Try to practice before beginning the task. Be extra careful and use back and forth motion in blasting the material.

In the area where you’re spraying, overlap the movements so you eliminate all of the debris. Don’t concentrate on a particular spot. Instead, shift uniformly around the surface and redo spaces that might be tougher.

Soda Blasting PhoenixGet the Best Results by Hiring Professional Sandblasters

Abrasive blasting is a laborious project that includes rigorous steps. Sandblasting also involves various media and grits used on different surfaces or materials- and choosing the appropriate one. It is why employing professional sandblast services may be the best option for you and your property.

Professional Sandblasting Companies Have the Appropriate Skills and Equipment

A reputable sandblasting contractor has the knowledge and skills to determine the best medium for your work. Professional sandblasters implement tested processes with precision and utilize the proper tools for the job. Abrasive blasting companies invest in high-priced equipment that may be too expensive for you, especially for seldom usage.

Expert Sandblasting Guarantee Safe and Quality Works

And while blasting is generally safe, mistakes can harm and damage your property, so selecting a professional sandblaster is vital. Those potential mishaps are why it is best to hire expert sandblasting services for the project. They ensure top-notch results with minimal uncertainty- particularly for contractors with years of experience in the industry.

So why run the risk of harming your properties and equipment and hassle yourself with an unsatisfactory blasting job? Why purchase expensive sandblasters and gears just for a one-time project?

Employing expert sandblasting contractors is a sure-fire way of achieving exceptional blasting with almost none of the risks. You can sit back and enjoy yourself with your loved ones while the professionals go through the process with ease. Find a reliable abrasive blasting company to guarantee the best result for all your sandblasting needs.

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