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Remove calcium or effervescence from brick

As moister seeps through a brick or block surface, it will eventually dry out and leave behind a white chalky residue.  We refer to this as a calcium or effervescence deposit.  The same situations will occur in a pool and will leave a white ring around your pool water line, especially when the water level drops in the pool or the Ph is off balance.

Calcium deposit removal Arizona

Calcium removal in AZMany people will attempt to pressure wash off the calcium build-up, but the reality is that will only make the situation worse.   You are just adding more water to the problem that will eventually dry out and leave more calcium deposits in the area.

Remove Calcium Deposits Effectively

The only way to remove a pool ring or calcium build-up is to media blast off the calcium with the appropriate media.  Typically, we will use glass media at low pressure to remove the buildup. When blasting off a ring in a pool, we will use a specially designed media that is hard enough to remove the ring, but not so aggressive that it will scratch your tile.

Hiring a professional is key to achieving successful results on your project.  Hiring an inexperienced person could result in the person using aggressive media that will permanently damage the surface.  As we like to say…”Once we take it off, we can’t put it back on.”

Remove calcium build up

Commercial maintenance company in AZMiracle Maintenance has been media blasting many types of projects in Arizona for the past 20 years.  Please contact us directly for your next project and receive a free estimate.  We can be reached at miraclemainteance.com or call Brent at 602-689-9049.

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